Immigration Law and Human Rights in Canada ─ Understanding Your Rights as a Migrant


Nowadays, the question of human rights is of exceptional importance. That is even more significant in multi-ethnic and multicultural environments like Canada, where the annual influx of immigrants coming from all over the world is rising.

That is precisely why countries like Canada have developed and are still working to improve immigration laws and human rights. If you are coming to Canada from another country, here is what you should know and understand when it comes to your rights as a migrant.

Migrant Crisis and New Population Migrations

Today’s time is very challenging for people from certain areas who want to emigrate in search of a better life. Namely, we are facing a major migrant crisis affecting numerous countries such as Syria and Afghanistan – and also Ukraine, parts of South-Eastern Europe, etc. The pandemic, militant operations, and economic upheavals have taken their toll.

So today, we are faced with a situation where so many refugees are heading west in search of a better life. The most frequent destinations are Germany, France, and Scandinavia in Europe – but also USA and Canada. Speaking of Canada, we can say that this is the country that most migrants consider ideal. There are many reasons for this. Namely, Canada is the No.1 on this list, having immigration-friendly laws – and therefore, most immigrants consider it an ideal place for a new beginning.

Why Canada?


Canada, like most other countries, has its immigration laws. So, what is the difference, and why are so many migrants striving to go there? The reason is in some benefits that this country offers compared to others. These benefits are referring to the rights guaranteed to all immigrants regardless of their status.

Some include the right to asylum, education, religious confession, language, equal rights in court, or the right to work and other related rights. Canada is one of the places in the world where the law has provided most legal norms related to human rights. However, that is not the main reason for the migrants’ decision to choose Canada as their forever home.

Many other countries also have good laws and benefits that they provide to migrants – but due to fear of prejudice, many of these countries have started to close their borders, and therefore, Canada has become almost a promised land for migrants.

Those who may be considering this country as a possible forever home can check out Bellissimo and look out for more information about the Canadian immigrant regulations you might fit into. In any case, we can say this country can provide all the necessary conditions for a good and dignified life for people who emigrate from other parts of the world.

Canadian Immigration Laws – Before and Today

Similar to the US, Canada shaped immigration laws by letting in immigrants who would help develop the vast areas of this country. They started with such an immigration policy after gaining independence from the United Kingdom.

However, in the past, although there was a tendency to settle vast expanses – some immigrants were not truly welcomed. The non-Christian population, for example, in the period from the end of the 18th century to the 19th century – was not well accepted. The situation was similar with the sick, handicapped, and poor population. However, the state’s attitude towards these issues softened over time.

The foundation of today’s immigration legal system in Canada was laid during the 60s and 70s of the 20th century. In these years, for the first time, the Canadian government openly supported cultural diversity and showed a more favorable attitude towards the refugee problems.

Reasons Why Canada Allows A Large Number of Immigrants


This kind of state policy is not only immigrant-welcoming but also has its economic reasons. Namely, before the end of 2022, the federal government of Canada announced a plan to welcome 1.5 million immigrants to the country over the next three years.

We can say the government attempts to fill the gaps in the economy left by the aging baby boomer generation – but also the crisis that hit the entire world due to the Covid pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian crisis. According to this political-economic and demographic plan, Canada would receive half a million people a year – which is almost four times more than its southern neighbor, the United States of America.

Immigration Process

There are several basic ways to immigrate to Canada. For this reason, immigrants are divided into several basic categories. The largest number of them, over 60 percent, come to Canada on economic bases – that is, with working permits. It is well-known that a large number of highly qualified workers flow to Canada.

About 20 percent of people enter the country through spousal visas and family sponsorships. It is also important to note that Canada recognizes same-sex marriages – and in that sense, the rise in the percentage of spousal visas has increased. About 15 percent of immigrants are refugees from war-torn areas – while about 3 percent come to Canada for humanitarian or other reasons.



Despite the migrant crisis caused by Covid-19 and then the military interventions that produced a large number of refugees – Canada retained first place on the scale of countries following the international laws related to human rights. Canada has gained this reputation primarily because of its migrant-friendly state policy – that is, the acceptance of diversity.

The main political parties are united in supporting the current immigration policy. The only thing that sometimes hinders the process is bureaucracy. However, Canadians are making an effort to overcome such obstacles.

On the other hand, although countries like the USA, Australia, and New Zealand have similar immigration policies – Canada still has the advantage. For example, compared to the migrant regression introduced by Donald Trump’s policy in the USA, Canada has made a big step forward. The state policy in recent years is focusing on correcting the mistakes from the past. So today, the status of immigrants in this country is far better than in the years behind us.