It is not uncommon to encounter a few troubles while playing the game for the first time. Therefore, you will surely meet some difficulties in different aspects because you are not well aware of the game. So if you are a beginner or you are just starting to start playing this game, get ready for obstacles.
Furthermore, the best way to deal with just hindrances is to do a lot of practice. After all, practice makes a man perfect. So if you start playing the game right now, you will become good at it in a few turns. At least you won’t make the same mistake again.
But some tools will make your gameplay easier. You need better guns and some legendary outfits that make you look like a top player. Such equipment and tools come with more wins, you can get a free fire redeem code from pointofgamer.com. They will also tell you how to use these codes, in case you are not aware of them or find any problem.

With these codes, you can get legendary gifts and other items from the game rewards. It will help you to play the game in a better way. If you are already a player of other games and fighting is not a problem for you, you will only need to learn the game settings.
Afterward, with the help of reward prizes and items, you can become a master in no time.
However, there are still some tactics and tricks that you can use to avoid making mistakes as much as possible. These includ:
1. Delay Parachute opening
The first and foremost mistake that players usually make is to open up their parachute right after jumping. What happens here is when you jump off the plane, your speed of falling is high. However, when you open your parachute, this speed decreases so that you can land safely. But the problem here is the speed of falling.
If you open your parachute right after jumping, it will delay your time of landing. While your opponents will be there before you. Thus, you will be at a loss. If someone lands before you, he/ she can easily shoot you while you are still in the air.
You might not know the right time to open your parachute, but it is not necessary for you.

Even if you do not open it up, the game settings will directly do this once you are at the lowest point. Therefore, if you are worried that you might be late in opening the parachute and your health will go down, do not worry.
2. Do not get into combat too early
You should not get involved in combat right after your landing. This will become a negative point for you. Instead of that, you should start running away from other players and opponents. Not everyone will do so and thus, you will have the opportunity to analyze the game. While the other players will be busy killing each other.
But if you land in a city, there is a high possibility that you won’t be able to avoid the fight. Therefore, make your move in the first stage and land far away from cities. You can do so by becoming the last person to jump down from the plane.
The most intense point of the game is in the middle of the map. Therefore, try your best not to land there. However, if you end up doing it, grab a car and move away. You can easily do so to avoid getting into combat.
3. Avoid using vehicles as much as you can
We have mentioned in the previous point that you should grab a car and move away from the combat place. Yes, you can do so but only when you are left with no other choice. If you are planning to play a solo game, you should avoid using vehicles.
Why? Because they are loud and make noise that attracts the attention of your opponents. And this is not good for a solo player. You will end up dying without even trying. Even if you are using any vehicle, do it for a short time. After you get off of the car, run far away from it. And as far away as possible or try to hide behind something.
However, if you are playing in a team or even two players, you will be at an advantage. One of you can drive the car while the other can shoot the opponents attacking your vehicle.

4. Pay attention to your safety
When you are already in the game, do not look for better equipment. The guns that you already have are enough for you and you can always look for more. However, you should pay attention to finding the armor. Even if you have the latest guns and rifles, a sniper can easily kill you from far away. Furthermore, headshots are the most dangerous hits. One-shot and you are done.
Therefore, if you have the right armor, you can protect yourself from deadly shots. Furthermore, guns are not that difficult to find. Once you get the perfect armor, you can start looking for guns. The armor will be enough for you to survive the initial levels. Furthermore, while everyone is busy looking for bullets and guns, you can easily find some amazing body armor.
Once again, you should pay more attention to protecting your head. Therefore, if you find a safety helmet, never leave it behind. It will make you stronger and able to fight other opponents.

To sum up…
There are not enough weapons and tools for most of the players. Therefore, instead of getting involved in fights, pay attention to your inventory. Find body armor and then guns.
In this way, you will make yourself a stronger player. Follow the above-mentioned tricks and play your game. They are good enough for your survival. Furthermore, do not go after every loot opportunity as it might be a trap. So if you have enough equipment, focus on your survival.