The Best Photography Spots in Norway: Capturing the Beauty of Glamping Cabins and Beyond


Picture a landscape of majestic mountains, sparkling fjords, and the ethereal glow of the Northern Lights. Now, imagine a luxurious mirrored glass cabin nestled in this stunning scenery, its glass walls reflecting the breathtaking views. This is the reality of Norway’s natural beauty and glamping.

Norway’s scenic landscapes are a photographer’s paradise, offering a myriad of awe-inspiring photography spots, including the mesmerizing WonderInn cabins. These locations provide a backdrop so beautiful, it seems to leap out of a fairytale.

In this post, we’ll be your guide to the most picturesque locations in Norway, helping you capture the enchanting beauty of unforgettable landscapes. Whether you’re an amateur hobbyist or a seasoned professional, prepare to be inspired by Norway’s photogenic charm.

The Magnificence of Norwegian Landscapes

source : The Atlantic

Norway’s diverse and breathtaking landscapes offer an ever-changing canvas for photographers:

  • Majestic fjords carve deep into the land, their towering cliffs draped in verdant greenery and cascading waterfalls, creating a dramatic interplay of light and shadow.

  • Lush green valleys cradle charming villages and meandering paths while towering mountains pierce the sky, their peaks often shrouded in mist, adding a layer of mystique.

  • Crystal-clear lakes mirror the sky, their tranquil surfaces occasionally disturbed by the leap of a fish or the glide of a swan, while rivers course through the terrain, their rushing waters a testament to nature’s power.

The allure of photographing these Norwegian natural wonders lies not only in their inherent beauty but also in their diversity. Each landscape, each season, each hour of the day presents a new perspective, a new color palette, and a new mood. This ever-changing scenery promises endless opportunities for photographers to capture stunning, unique shots, making Norway a dream destination for photography enthusiasts.

Glamping Cabins: A Photographic Gem

Glamping cabins, tucked away in Norway’s stunning landscapes, are a treasure trove for photographers:

  • Their architectural beauty is a sight to behold. Designed with an emphasis on integration with the surroundings, the cabins seem to emerge organically from the land, providing a harmonious blend of human creativity and natural beauty.

  • The riverside accommodation offered by the cabins presents breathtaking views that are perfect for your photo albums. Nestled against some of Norway’s most captivating landscapes, be it a tranquil forest, a serene lake, or a majestic mountain, this riverside accommodation ensures an unforgettable experience surrounded by natural beauty.

  • The interiors of the cabins are equally appealing. Each cabin is designed with aesthetic flair, featuring a mix of modern and rustic elements that contribute to a cozy yet luxurious ambiance.

The glamping cabins offer a wealth of photography potential:

  • Photographing the cabins amidst these stunning landscapes allows you to capture their unique blend of nature and architecture. Whether it’s a panoramic shot at dawn or a close-up at dusk, each image tells a story of harmony between man-made and natural elements.

  • The cabins’ interiors provide a great opportunity to showcase their coziness and luxury. From the warmth of the fireplace to the comfort of the plush furnishings, your photos can encapsulate the inviting ambiance of these cabins.

  • Finally, the interplay of natural light and architectural elements in the cabins creates a dynamic setting for photography. Whether it’s the morning sunlight streaming through the glass walls or the soft glow of the setting sun reflecting off the wooden surfaces, these moments can yield some truly magical shots.

Top Photography Spots in Norway


The Northern Lights: Chasing the ethereal spectacle

  • One of the most sought-after photographic experiences in Norway is capturing the ethereal spectacle of the Northern Lights. Tromsø and Svalbard are among the most recommended locations, given their northern latitudes. Patience, a good tripod, and a camera capable of long exposures are crucial for capturing this celestial ballet.

  • The glamping cabins, with their wide windows and isolated location, can be an excellent component of your Northern Lights photography compositions. Imagine the cabins bathed in the green glow of the auroras, creating a stunning contrast of nature’s grandeur and human ingenuity.

The Geirangerfjord: A UNESCO World Heritage site

  • Showcasing the grandeur of the Geirangerfjord, with its soaring cliffs and cascading waterfalls, can result in breathtaking photographs. The fjord’s dramatic landscapes offer endless opportunities to capture the raw beauty of Norway.

  • For capturing the fjord and its surrounding landscapes, the viewpoints of Flydalsjuvet and Ornesvingen offer panoramic views. From these vantage points, you can photograph the sprawling fjord flanked by towering mountains, small farms clinging to the mountainsides, and the numerous waterfalls, like the famous Seven Sisters, cascading into the fjord.

Lofoten Islands: A Photographer’s Paradise

  • The Lofoten Islands, with their dramatic landscapes of rugged mountains, open sea, sheltered bays, and traditional fishing villages, offer a photographer’s paradise. The juxtaposition of quaint, red fishermen’s cabins (rorbuer) against the backdrop of towering mountains creates a striking visual contrast that’s perfect for capturing on camera.

  • The glamping cabins can serve as an ideal base for your photographic exploration of the Lofoten Islands. After a day of capturing the islands’ stunning beauty, you can return to the comfort and luxury of your cabin to review your photos and recharge for the next day’s adventure.

Trolltunga: The iconic cliff formation

  • Trolltunga, or the “Troll’s Tongue,” is an iconic cliff formation that juts out 700 meters above Lake Ringedalsvatnet. The journey to reach it is demanding, but the breathtaking views from the top make it worth the effort. For the best photographs, plan to reach the cliff early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid the midday crowds and take advantage of the softer light.

  • If you’re staying at the glamping cabins, you can incorporate them into your photographic journey by documenting your preparation, departure, and return from the Trolltunga hike. These images can add a narrative dimension to your photographic portfolio, showcasing not just the destination, but also the journey.

Preikestolen (Pulpit Rock): A lofty viewpoint

  • Preikestolen, or Pulpit Rock, is another lofty viewpoint that offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding Lysefjord. The flat-top cliff, hovering some 604 meters above the fjord, provides an unmatched vantage point for photographers. Capture the breathtaking expanse of the fjord, the rugged cliffs, and the serene waters below for a picture-perfect shot. Remember, early mornings or late afternoons offer softer light and fewer crowds.

  • Including the glamping cabins in your photographic journey can add depth and context to your images. Capture the cabins in the soft morning light before you set off for Preikestolen, or document the cozy ambiance as you return from your hike. These images will not only highlight the beauty of the cabins but also provide a personal and intimate narrative to your photographic exploration of Norway.

Tips for Capturing the Perfect Shots

Source: Discover the World

Research and planning are vital for capturing the perfect shots. Be aware of the timing, particularly sunrise and sunset times, as they will influence the lighting in your photographs. Additionally, consider weather forecasts, as these can dramatically affect the mood and feel of your shots.

Utilize the Golden Hour (the hour after sunrise or before sunset) and the Blue Hour (the hour before sunrise or after sunset) for optimal lighting. These periods offer a soft, diffused light that can add depth and richness to your photographs.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with composition, angles, and perspectives. Look for unique vantage points, play with leading lines and symmetry, or experiment with wide-angle and telephoto lenses. Remember, the best photographs often come from stepping outside your comfort zone.

Incorporate elements of storytelling and human presence into your photographs. This could be a shot of a hiker against the backdrop of a mountain, a fisherman in a remote village, or even a lit window of your cabin at dusk. These elements add a personal touch and evoke emotion in your images.

Lastly, learn and apply post-processing techniques to enhance your final images. Tools like Lightroom or Photoshop can help you adjust exposure, enhance colors, and bring out the details in your shots. Remember, post-processing should enhance your images, not completely change them. Always aim to capture the best possible shot in-camera first.


To wrap up, Norway offers a plethora of picture-perfect spots, from the mesmerizing Northern Lights in the north, to the dramatic landscapes of the Lofoten Islands, the iconic cliff formation of Trolltunga, and the breathtaking views from Preikestolen. Not to forget the architectural charm and scenic beauty of the glamping cabins, which themselves present an extraordinary photographic opportunity.

Photographers, both amateur and professional, are encouraged to explore these diverse locations. Capture the awe-inspiring beauty of Norway’s landscapes and take the time to appreciate the raw, untouched nature that characterizes this stunning country.