This is the name of the game of chance against the casino represented by the dealer. This defines the main feature of blackjack – it is extremely difficult to win, because all the entertainment in the casino is obviously minus for the guests. The organizer will never stay at a disadvantage in the distance, so it’s extremely difficult to gain a significant advantage in a live casino, and impossible to do so online. The vast majority of blackjack players lose money.
Blackjack is also the name of the best combination in the game. It consists of an ace and a picture, and it has an increased payout.
Rules of the Game

Whoever scores more points than the dealer, but no more than 21, wins. Also, in case the dealer folds, you win with any hand. First, each of the players makes a bet (bet) – this is how he shows that he starts the game. Several guests can play at the table at the same time, but they are not opponents. Their opponent is only the dealer. It is of course better to try blackjack in action and play at an online casino. But first read the casino reviews, for example casino-recensioni.com
Counting Scores
A guest defeats the dealer when sitting down at the blackjack table, you need to be sure that you know how points are counted. Remember the rules simply:
From a two to a ten, the number of points corresponds to the face value. A two brings two points, a nine brings nine points;from a ten to a king, ten points;an ace – 11 or one. This depends on the amount of points already collected. 11 – as long as the total is no more than 21, then one. Handing out cards
After betting, the dealer deals two cards to each of the players in the open, and he opens only one. After counting the points and assessing the situation, players decide whether they should try to finish further.
For example, a player got a three and a deuce, the sum of his points is only five. This is very small, so the dealer can not win (except in the case of overcall of the dealer). As long as it is possible to take further, without risking anything. Even if a ten comes, it will only add up to 15 points.
But 15 is already a problem combination, because there is a high probability of overcall. This will happen if something older than a six (except for the ace, which gives 16 points), and this will happen a lot. Depending on what the dealer has open, it’s up to you to decide if it’s worth the risk. If he has 7, 8, or 9 points, it’s worth the risk. If less, it’s better to give him a chance to overdraw. We’ll talk about how to always make the right decisions in blackjack below, but for now let’s get back to the deal.
When no other player wants to fold, the dealer starts to deal to himself. He’s obliged to keep going until he gets 17 points or more. After that, everyone will start comparing amounts.
Additional Rules

To make the game more varied, there are several additional possible solutions:
Split – Split Pairs
If a guest receives a pair (two twos, two queens, etc.), the dealer offers to split them. The player agrees to make an additional bet, the dealer splits a pair and deals a new one to each card. The strategy is always to divide aces (except when the dealer also has an ace), often eights, sometimes nines.
Doubling the Bet
The player may at the start of the deal (immediately after receiving the cards, but before the set of additional cards) to make a “double”: make another bet equal to the first, and get exactly one more card. After that nothing can be gained.
Surrender – Refusal to Play
The guest may refuse to continue the game (again, only immediately after receiving the cards), taking back half of the bet, if he thinks that the chances to win are remote. The option is not available in all casinos.
Blackjack Insurance from the Dealer
If the dealer has an ace, players are encouraged to buy insurance. You can add half of the original bet: if the insurance plays, the player will receive a 2:1 payout. And after getting blackjack against the dealer’s ace, the player can take the payout 1 to 1 and not risk the split. All insurance in blackjack is minuscule for guests, you should never agree to it.In order to reduce your casino advantage, you should follow a certain strategy, which is formulated in the form of a table of optimal solutions.
A Blackjack Strategy

Let’s start with a deciphering of the letters in the table and then the table itself. The letters in the table are abbreviations of an action worth taking:
H (Hit) – to draw a card;S (Stay) – do not draw;D (Double) – to double the bet;Ds (Double or Stay) – to double or stop;P (Split) – to split a pair;H/P (Hit or Split) – to split cards if the rules allow doubling after the split, if not, you should take another;S/P (Stay or Split) – if the rules allow doubling after the split, you should split. Otherwise, stop;D/P (Split or Double) – if it’s allowed to double bet after the split, it’s necessary to split, otherwise it’s necessary to double.H/R (Hit or Surrender) – Bet on, if such option is provided, otherwise it’s better to draw another card;S/R (Stay or Surrender) – to surrender if such an option is provided, otherwise it is better to stop.
How Much Can I Win at Blackjack?

The legendary poker player Stu Anger was banned from the blackjack rooms of all the casinos in Las Vegas. He managed to play on the plus side – but you have to understand that times were different. Today, casinos use a large number of decks on blackjack tables, so there’s almost no point in counting anything. So now, even if you apply the optimal strategy perfectly, the casino’s advantage will only drop to 0.5%. So in the end the guest’s loss is guaranteed: the more you play the more money you lose.
If you have a desire to make money with a card game, you should pay attention to poker. This game generously rewards those who are willing to spend time and effort on it. It becomes possible as people play against each other rather than against the casino.