When we go to deposit our money in the bank, we never think that anything will go wrong. The thought of a bank collapse is always in the realm of the impossible for the average customer. However, history has shown that this can happen and has happened repeatedly. Just recently,...
Financial emergencies can occur at any time and, in such instances, many turn to payday loans for quick help. However, when one has a history of poor credit, attaining this financial aid can be daunting or, at worst, feel impossible. Poor credit scores can limit your options and increase the...
Recently, Bitcoin has broken historic high again. This time it reached the $60k mark. Almost all the Media have updated headlines with optimistic predictions that BTC will hit 100K by the end of this year. First of all, when we hear that Bitcoin (or another asset like the US Dollar,...
In general, all people who find themselves in a situation where they are overwhelmed by debts and they want a fresh start should know what bankruptcy offers. Basically, some debts can and some of them can not be avoided. Not all debts can be discharged, and some are generally very...
A few weeks ago, Íñigo Errejón presented to society one of the few economic proposals outlined by Más País: legalizing marijuana in Spain. Despite the surprise of his tribune, widely shared on social networks, he was not the first Spanish political leader to propose something similar. A year ago, Unidos...
When Satoshi Nakamoto released the Bitcoin (BTC) whitepaper in 2009, it sent shockwaves through the global financial system. According to the whitepaper, Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency and it has attracted a large following in the hopes that it could one day replace the world's existing financial systems....
Bitcoin is one of the most talked about assets of the past few years, with an increasing number of people putting money into this volatile and unpredictable digital asset. With huge price rises and big crashes, investing in Bitcoin isn’t for the fainthearted, but research has shown that more...
Insurance. It is not a fun subject to talk about and something that people never want to think about needing. But, for renters, it is not talked about enough for events like a burglary. The average cost of a burglary is $2,799. Fortunately, renters insurance coverage will cover your losses in given...
Making profits in Forex is based on a thorough knowledge of the different strategies. While using the strategies, it’s possible to make effective decisions and achieve the best results at Forex. Also, bear in mind that a choice of a good brokerage is also part of your trading strategy. CTL...
This year, the situation with the pandemic stabilized a little bit, so people started traveling again. With traveling comes the spending of money, and some people decide to manage Bitcoin or use it as a payment method on their travels. Bitcoin has become very common since its inception a few...