How to Choose Led Strip Lights?

Led strip lights are excellent for smart lighting in the areas where the combined smart lighting is necessary, such as your kitchen or bathroom. The choice, however, can be quite confusing, if you want to choose the right one. We have collected a couple of useful tips that aim to help you choose the correct led strip lights. Regardless of the room you need it for, a place where you live is called “home” for a reason, it is the family nest. Therefore, it should be a pleasant place for everyone to spend time in, a place everyone meets at the end of a busy day to spend quality family time together.

At the same time, correct lighting is important especially in those areas the work is being done. Your kids might need it for their homework, your kitchen will definitely make great use of it when you’re preparing meals, cutting ingredients, reading recipes.

Understanding the basics on how led lights work will help you come to the best choices and pick the light that will answer your needs best. Simply read through what we have prepared in this article.

Lumen and color

The lumen and temperature in the color of the light is what need to be understood before deciding what kind of led you need. Lumens are in charge of measuring the brightness of the bulb. The temperature of the correlated bulb will determine the color if your light. In case you’ve recently bought any kind of lighting, you must have noticed how the voltage that was written on every package before, is completely out of the picture now. It is because the voltage speaks nothing about the intensity of light, in the case of led. Charging is the indication of how much electricity the bulb is consuming. Lumen measures the amount of light emitted by LED, so vats and lumens are not the same things.

When buying light bulbs at the store, if your habit is to judge the quality based on the voltage, then making a correct decision for led might be confusing. The inscription on the led measures the brightness in lumens. You know what to expect from a bulb with 60 to 80 vats. What you might not know is what to expect from the lumen. Here’s an example, a 100-lumen lighting will have a low-level brightness, while a 500 lumen will give you a very intense and bright lighting. If you choose to buy online on websites, you can see the intensity of the brightness written in the product description section.

Determine the temperature in the color

The brightness of the bulb will of course be of crucial importance when you choose the temperature color. The unit based on which you will recognize the temperature in the color is Kelvin (K). It will vary from ultra-warm to ultra-cold.

Lighting in the scope from 2000K to 3500K will represent the warm colors. The lowest point of this scale the warmest, or the hottest color, the ultra-warm. It will have a lot of orange and yellow tones, which will remind you of a warm summer day, a cozy bar, or a restaurant. The top point of the scale is the warm white, similar to the light you would notice at dusk on a warm summer night. Between 3500K and 5100, K is natural or neutral white tones of the day. The lower scale is more similar to the natural color of the daylight. The upper-scale represents the colder lighting, and blue tones go with it.

The high price scale is the cold white. If you bringing it more up, towards 5100K to 20000K, you’ll get the most modern ultra-cold color.

We wrote all this because it determines the atmosphere you want to create in your home, plus it is connected to the style preferences. Ask yourself what are you trying to achieve with the lighting? Warm and relaxing atmosphere or something opposite?

What is CRI?

Can you recognize the difference between the black socks and the blue ones, in your drawer? If you can’t, the reason for this might be low CRI. Not all the lights are the same. Color Rendering Index, or the CRI, is measuring how the color will look like to the eye when exposed to the sunlight. It’s usually measured from 0-100, and a perfect 100 indicates the colors look as natural as they are when exposed to the sunlight. This mark helps the measurements in the lighting industry to recognize the naturalness of the tone, it’s precision, color title, and color balance.

Lights with a high level of CRI are equally worth the home usage, because they have the ability to transform the entire room, emphasizing the design, elements, creating a natural feeling.


The usual dimension is 8, 10, or 12 mm, with a thickness of 2,3,5 mm. Of course, there are other options, such as a double-sized or triple-sized strip. Then there are the very narrow ones, or ultra-slim as they are named, 3.5 to 5 mm. So, the dimensions are many, just double-check which ones you need.


The backside of the light strips has a very strong adhesive, enabling the strip light to be glued to literally every surface. Also ensuring the simple and safe installation, that can be done by anyone. For the heavier strips, it’s necessary to have a stand or a carrier for long term installment.

The led strip lights are extremely adjustable, even to the light intensity. The common ones are working based on all automatic systems, wall dimmers, remote control dimmers. All you need to do is ensure they are compatible with the dimmer inside your home.

These few tips written in the article should be enough for you to choose led strip lights that are most suitable for the atmosphere you wish to create. Even if you have 0 experience in this field, rest assured you’ll have a successful shopping task ahead of you.