Millions of children from pre-k to college are studying and completing school assignments from home. Most are working with far fewer resources and less support than they had a few short weeks ago in their classrooms. One chief complaint many parents have is that they can’t seem to motivate their children to study and work.
Why Is Additional Motivation Important during Pandemic?

As you know, some kids like to study, while others would rather choose to play games, sleep, etc.. Yet, this moment, this type of difference is irrelevant. Our kids are not yet responsible enough to motivate themselves. The only thing that motivates them is a reward for hard work. Logically, the best reward of all is to go outside and play with other kids. However, as you know, something like that is impossible.
The current situation directly leads to a high level of demotivation. We are sure that everything around this virus is confusing for them. Normally, they do not consider Coronavirus as something dangerous. Because of that, they need additional support that will motivate them to continue with hard work.
Despite that, you need to organize their time as well. You can’t just tell them “Go to study”. It is crucial that every parent the perfect replacement for the reward they were previously getting. In most cases, spending time with them, playing different games, and making jokes would be the right choice.
However, some certain techniques and tools have the “power” to motivate your kids to study during the pandemic. These tools would be quite beneficial for kids and parents as well. Let’s analyze them together and see how they can influence the child’s motivation.
Are They Comfortable with Video-Based Learning?

While many kids from a young age spend time on videos for their parents or friends and other relatives, that’s not true for all children. A key element of online and distance learning is done through video interactions. There are ways to help them get comfortable with being on video, so they can concentrate on education and not their insecurities. If you share your child’s lack of confidence, try working together to relax in front of the camera. This technique can help remove these barriers for everyone and make study sessions as productive online as they are in person.
Introduce Children to Video Interactions
Video chat with your children to help them get more comfortable with being on a recording. Additionally, consider learning to make videos to share with friends and family members about what they’re learning about, their daily activities, or thoughts for the future.
For older students, suggest they create a video blog (also known as a vlog) where they can rant about anything to get their thoughts and feelings out. Software is available to allow them to add music, animations, and even clips from other videos into their recordings. When restrictions end, these learning lessons are still valuable tools for the future.
If you’re unsure about making videos and don’t have the time for a crash course in videography and editing, there are free options that are easy for both you and your children to learn. One option is IoForth, which offers FilmForth, a free video editor that’s kid-friendly witch can be downloaded for free from here. You can also use this software to encourage them to set up a YouTube profile for studying or just socializing with their classmates.
Discuss Your Concerns with Your Children’s Teachers

COVID-19 threw teachers into the thick of online learning without a guide. They may be struggling to get all children to engage with them and other classmates. Reach out and tell them that your child is uncomfortable on camera, and it’s causing a decline. Part of studying is asking questions.
When students don’t interact with and connect with their teachers about terms and equations they don’t understand, learning slows to a crawl. In-person, educators can read body language to encourage students to speak up. With distance learning, that element is missing. In addition, if the student has a video available, teachers can review it not only to see if they have the right answers but to read their body language.
Work as a Team to Create Learning Videos
An excellent way for teachers and parents to motivate students is to create videos to help them. Instead of a set of written instructions on how to access the study materials, make sure they can find it by doing a video walkthrough of each step to get what they need. Although it makes be simple for some students in written form, visual learners could get frustrated before they even start to study.
Share Your Child’s Success with Other Parents

If you find that creating instructional videos or setting up YouTube learning channels motivates your child to study and complete assignments, share that success. The rush into online learning to keep children healthy has been an experiment with both good and bad experiences for parents and educators across the country and around the world. You’re not alone. By sharing these accomplishments, you can help reduce the stress of others and
Whether they’re at the beginning of their educational journey or nearing the end, study and advance, these tools can provide the boost that you and your children need, no matter what the setting.