Commercial Stainless Steel Tables


In any restaurant, the cuisine is important, but not only the skill of the chefs, but also the equipment for them plays an important role. Many owners have switched to stainless steel furniture that can withstand all the conditions of work in cold and hot shops. The most important of the list of essentials is a stainless steel table since almost all cooking processes take place on it. (more here)

A commercial work table should be functional, equipped with everything possible, which simplifies and helps in work. With all the possibilities, the table should not occupy the entire space of the kitchen and easily fit into the interior. Among the main advantages of a stainless steel table are:

  •  Convenience in placement — the table with its minimalism will always fit into the interior, is placed compactly in space, and does not take up much space.
  •  A stainless steel work table prevents corrosion — such furniture is not affected by hot steam, heat vapor from equipment such as pots, pans, and does not absorb moisture.
  • Tables withstand temperatures of +700 degrees Celsius, so they do not melt.
  • To replace ordinary trees with tables, it does not absorb odors, chemicals and is easy to clean.
  • Durability is guaranteed by resistance to ‘kitchen climate’.

Standard work surfaces can withstand an average of 150 kg of weight. There are desktops with a lower shelf for appliances, you can additionally install removable legs and sides.

Why is stainless steel table important?


The stainless steel prep table can be customized to suit your job requirements. For example, a table is needed for preparing vegetables, cutting meat or fish, harvesting, packing products, or completing dirty dishes before washing, decorating dishes. As for dirty work, like cutting meat or fish, they often use a table with a built-in sink. The length of the tables ranges from 90 to 160 centimeters. The customer can specify the required number of additional shelves in order to fix the work in one place and supply auxiliary materials.

The professional use stainless steel table is suitable for all sanitary standards that are established for catering kitchens. Due to its strength, easy washing, it does not clog and does not collect the remains of cooked food. The surface does not become a threat to food intake. Everything you need can be put at your fingertips. The stainless steel work tables for the distribution line are also good for waiters who need to quickly take the dish to the hall without getting dirty or caught. Work tables with undershelf completely replace unnecessary shelves, cabinets, which only take up space. Everything is stocked up in one place.

One of the features that will help in choosing the purchase of stainless steel commercial furniture is the improvement of the style of any establishment, becoming a classic of its kind. It does not attract attention, but also looks modern at any time. The price is not exorbitant for furniture, and furniture made of wood costs much more, which, moreover, will not withstand the same steam cloud for a long time and will begin to fester and swell. This leads to another expense, which a stainless steel prep table will not allow.

Types of Stainless Steel


While selecting the right table and knowing what for do you need it, knowing the material of which it is made is also vital. After attaining this knowledge you might be even more capable to select the right product for you. There are numerous types of stainless steel, but those that you’ll encounter the most are those that we’re going to talk about. The type of this material is determined through a series of numbers. Once you get into this business you’ll see these numbers all over the place. Similar to the number 55, a certain gambling man saw in Will Smith’s popular flick Focus, starring the amazing Margot Robbie.

These numbers are used to tell the viewer which alloy is predominantly used in making the steel in question. As we said, the series and types of this type of steel are numerous but those that stand out in the crowd are 304 and 430. If you’re looking for an option that is less corrosive you’ll be looking at the 300 series. The reason for this is that it is rich in traces of nickel and chromium. The 400 version is known as the magnetic one, as it holds these properties due to the absence of nickel.

When we’re talking about the commercial tables, the most used type of steel for their manufacturing is the 304. The reasoning behind it is simple. It contains high levels of chromium and nickel which makes it highly resistant to rust and corrosion. This is what people want most from the commercial tables. They need to be durable and maintain their shape in even the most hostile work environments where they’re used.


When you’re looking for durability this is the type of stainless steel you choose. If you’re operating inside of a kitchen, this is without a doubt the product you’re looking for. Always have in mind these traits of the stainless steel you’re buying as they can determine the levels of satisfaction you’re going to receive from it.

On the other side of the stainless steel specter, we have the 430 version. Another highly-used alloy, but truth be told the less popular version. What you don’t want to hear is that it is less resistant to rust and corrosion. This is mostly because it is lacking in nickel additions and instead relies on chromium and iron. Despite this it is a good product, but only if you’re not going to overwork it, as it is not nearly durable as the version from above.

What makes a lot of people choose this option and not the one from above is, as you could probably guess, the price. It is much cheaper than 304 due to all the reasons we listed above. But, even with a low price, it doesn’t cover as much of the field as its counterpart. When used in the kitchen for example it is recommended that you only use it for lighter dishes and plates. Whichever type you choose it won’t be a mistake but you need to know what you are going to use, and there won’t be disappointments later.