It’s easy to assume that your child’s oral care routine begins as soon as they cut their first tooth. Now that they have teeth to brush, you can purchase a baby toothbrush and toothpaste and start keeping them clean. However, oral care can start much sooner, and you don’t even...
Up to 43.5 million Americans may have dyslexia. As a learning disorder, which is often underdiagnosed depending on resources and demographics, dyslexia can present challenges. Children with dyslexia have an especially hard time. One of the major components of academic success is being able to read and write. Adults with dyslexia have...
If your baby has reflux or colic, you know how challenging it can be to find a formula that works for them. Many parents turn to Nanny care formula to solve their infant's digestive issues. What is Reflux or Colic? Reflux is common in babies where the stomach contents flow back...
When the summer comes, or when we not only need to relax but also to have pure fun with our family and take a break from our everyday life, we often seek destinations that make our state of mind rest. Most often, that desired vacation takes place along the...
Designing a nursery for your baby can be fun and rewarding, but it can also be complex and stressful when you have extra hormones and you’re not entirely sure what you’re doing. Prior research of decorating your baby’s room is essential if you want the best possible experience. It may...
All parents want their children to do well at school. Good grades are seen as proof of a child’s intellectual abilities and capacity to learn, but they don’t always reflect reality. Your child can be extremely brilliant but still perform poorly at school because being a good student is...
There is no denying the fact that video games have evolved a lot with time. In the initial years of online gaming, it was considered to be a thing for adults or teens only but with the improved user interface and age-restricted content guidelines, online gaming has gained acceptance...
Feeding your baby can be a moment of bonding, a ritual of love. While breast milk is nature's perfect baby food, sometimes mothers choose or need to rely on formula. When that time comes, selecting the right formula for your baby is a paramount decision. Not every baby is the...
When most parents find out they're expecting, one of the first things they think about is shopping for clothes for their new baby. Shopping for a newborn is certainly exciting, but the problem is that there are literally millions of items to choose from. This is especially true if...
In this era of competition, the one thing that keeps us connected to our loved ones is our cell phones and electronic devices. When both parents are on the job, it's normal for a young person to feel bored or neglected. Our cell phones give us the benefit of...