Extracurricular activities have a significant role in a child's development and personal growth. Whether they join a club in school, practice sports, do volunteering work, or sign-up for camps during summer holidays, such actions can support the development of essential life skills from an early age. Attending school is...
Children learn a lot from the moment they are born. Research shows that very young children have the ability to simply absorb information around them. This makes it very easy for them to learn new things. Unfortunately, as they age the ability to simply absorb information fades, it takes more...
Deciding to relinquish parental rights is one of the most profound and emotionally charged decisions a parent can make, with far-reaching legal and personal implications. This choice is often considered in circumstances where parents believe it's in the best interest of their child, possibly to facilitate an adoption process or due to...
Fishing is a fun and fulfilling activity, but it also gets your kids outdoors and connects with the environment. With a little preparation and patience, it shouldn’t be long before your kids reel in their very first catch. Fishing is both fun and therapeutic activity and there is no reason...
The best and healthiest food for a newborn is breast milk. Its composition during lactation changes by the functional features of the baby's digestive system, which determines the adequate absorption of nutrients in the conditions of the GI tract development. For many reasons, breastfeeding may not be possible, or...
When most parents find out they're expecting, one of the first things they think about is shopping for clothes for their new baby. Shopping for a newborn is certainly exciting, but the problem is that there are literally millions of items to choose from. This is especially true if...
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), around 500,000 child predators roam the internet to target kids daily. These criminals use all kinds of tools to reach and groom their victims and can cause psychological damage to children. As a parent, you want to protect your kids from these...
In this era of competition, the one thing that keeps us connected to our loved ones is our cell phones and electronic devices. When both parents are on the job, it's normal for a young person to feel bored or neglected. Our cell phones give us the benefit of...
Feeding your baby can be a moment of bonding, a ritual of love. While breast milk is nature's perfect baby food, sometimes mothers choose or need to rely on formula. When that time comes, selecting the right formula for your baby is a paramount decision. Not every baby is the...
When you're a kid, martial arts appear to be magical. We don't know about kids today, but we grew up in Bruce Lee films. Yes, that's kung fu but for us, it was karate all the way. What do the kids know, right? Well, kids know a lot, but...