Chocolate day is the 3rd day in valentine’s week. You can wish your lover a ‘Happy Chocolate Day 2019’ by sending them lovely chocolate quotes. Check out our list and pick out your favorite one!
- Hey, It’s Chocolate Day and I am sending you a wish dipped in chocolate and sprinkled with love. May you always be smiling. Happy Chocolate Day 2019.

- “Happiness. Simple as a glass of chocolate or tortuous as the heart. Bitter. Sweet. Alive.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Chocolate says “I’m sorry” so much better than words.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Your hand and your mouth agreed many years ago that, as far as chocolate is concerned, there is no need to involve your brain.” Happy Chocolate Day!

- “Anything is good if it’s made of chocolate.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “What you see before you, my friend is the result of a lifetime of chocolate.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Flowers wilt, jewelry tarnishes, and candles burn out..but chocolate doesn’t hang around long enough to get old.” – Sr. Cocoa Loca

- “It was like having a box of chocolates shut in the bedroom drawer. Until the box was empty it occupied the mind too much.” – Graham Greene
- “Chemically speaking, chocolate really is the world’s perfect food.” – Michael Levine
- “If there’s no chocolate in Heaven, I’m not going.” – Jane Seabrook
- “The greatest tragedies were written by the Greeks and Shakespeare… neither knew chocolate.” – Sandra Boynton
- “Chocolate symbolizes, as does no other food, luxury, comfort, sensuality, gratification, and love.” – Karl Petzke
- “May your life be filled, as mine has been, with love and laughter; and remember, when things are rough all you need is.. Chocolate.” – Geraldine Solon, Chocolicious

- “Make a list of important things to do today. At the top of your list, put ‘eat chocolate.’ Now, you’ll get at least one thing done today.” – Gina Hayes
- “Chocolate is like my best friend and the most intense pleasure at the same time, perhaps not the most intense, but the most regular and reliable one.” – Chloe Doutre-Roussel

- “Caramels are only a fad. Chocolate is a permanent thing.” – Milton Snavely Hershey
- “When we don’t have the words chocolate can speak volumes.” – Joan Baue
- The idea of a well-balanced diet is… A piece of chocolate in each hand. Happy Chocolate Day.
- “Will looked horrified. “What kind of monster could possibly hate chocolate?” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Always serve too much hot fudge sauce on hot fudge sundaes. It makes people overjoyed, and puts them in your debt.” Happy Chocolate Day!

- “Chemically speaking, chocolate really is the world’s perfect food.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Coffee and chocolate—the inventor of mocha should be sainted.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “I was like a chocolate in a box, looking well behaved and perfect in place, all the while harboring a secret center.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “May your life be filled, as mine has been, with love and laughter; and remember, when things are rough all you need is Chocolate.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “It was like having a box of chocolates shut in the bedroom drawer. Until the box was empty it occupied the mind too much.”Happy Chocolate Day!
- I searched for many shops to buy the best chocolate for you. But I didn’t find any chocolate sweeter than you and your smile. Happy Chocolate Day.
- “Chocolate says I’m sorry so much better than words.” – Rachel Vincent
- Forget love… I’d rather fall in chocolate.
Source: pinterest.com - Save the Earth, it’s the only planet with chocolate.
- “The greatest tragedies were written by the Greeks and Shakespeare…neither knew chocolate.” – Sandra Boynton
- Chocolate and Friends are the best medicines than Laughter
- It’s chocolate day. And I am looking forward to getting dipped in your sweet and passionate love. Happy Chocolate Day
- A day without chocolate is like a day without sunshine! Happy Chocolate Day
- What better way of making your lover feel special on Chocolate Day than by making a handmade card? And, if you are wondering how to go about it, here’s some help!
- Days are brighter, and the world is more beautiful when you are with me. Will you be with me for a lifetime. Will you marry me?
- I want you to be with me till the sun and moon are in the sky, till the water is blue, and stars shine bright. Will you be with me forever?
- The voyage of life is not easy and makes me crazy. I want you to be with me, love me and support me. I promise I will never let you down. Will you be mine forever?
- My mind tells me the number of years we spent together, but my heart says our relationship is still fresh and young. Will you live with me throughout my life?
Source: pinterest.com - Chocolate is the answer. Who cares what the question is?
- A balanced diet is chocolate in both hands.
- Chocolate comes from cocoa, which is a tree. That makes it a plant. Chocolate is a salad.
- Life happens, chocolate helps.
- I could give up chocolate, but I’m not a quitter.
- Chocolate is nature’s way of making up for Mondays.
- When life gives you lemons… throw them back and ask for chocolate.
- Chocolate is cheaper than therapy, and you don’t need an appointment.
- There’s nothing better than a friend. Unless it’s a friend with chocolate.
- “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Chocolate is not cheating! After a salty meal, you need a little bit of sweet. This is living, not cheating.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “I love chocolate, and I love to shop – just give me a good boutique. I like mall scenarios, too, because there’s more right there at hand. I think Nashville could use some better shopping!” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Chocolate is the first luxury. It has so many things wrapped up in it: deliciousness at the moment, childhood memories, and that grin-inducing feeling of getting a reward for being good.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Every day, without fail, I eat some dark chocolate.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Wanna be always Happy? Always carry some chocolate with you ;)” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “You may have noticed we have no sex lives. As a result, there’s lots of chocolate in this house.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Life without books, chocolate & coffee is just useless.”Happy Chocolate Day!
- “I hope your only rocky road is chocolate.” Happy Chocolate Day!
Source: pinterest.com - “Love is like a hollowed-out piece of chocolate, filled with melted music.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Chocolate is not just a food, it’s also apart of my life! It makes me happy and tastes really good.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “It does seem like chocolate brings good luck.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “When you eat too much chocolate, you get sick of it. When you drink too much champagne, you get sick of it. Gorge yourself on fear.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “I guess if I’m a product, either you’re chocolate, you’re vanilla or you’re butterscotch. You can’t be all three.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Everywhere in the world, there are tensions – economic, political, religious. So we need chocolate.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Let’s face it, a nice creamy chocolate cake does a lot for a lot of people; it does for me.”Happy Chocolate Day!
- “There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.”Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Look, there’s no metaphysics on earth like chocolates.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “If there’s no chocolate in Heaven, I’m not going.”Happy Chocolate Day!
- “The greatest tragedies were written by the Greeks and Shakespeare neither knew chocolate.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Chocolate symbolizes, as does no other food, luxury, comfort, sensuality, gratification, and love.”Happy Chocolate Day!
- “It was an indulgence, learning last words. Other people had chocolate; I had dying declarations.”Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Chocolate is like my best friend and the most intense pleasure at the same time, perhaps not the most intense, but the most regular and reliable one.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “I’m pretty sure that eating chocolate keeps wrinkles away because I have never seen a10-year-old with a Hershey bar and crows feet.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “The Duchess set about studying Annette and shortly found her adversary’s tragic flaw. Chocolate.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “When we don’t have the words chocolate can speak volumes.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Remember the days when you let your child have some chocolate if he finished his cereal? Now, chocolate is one of the cereals.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Everyone needs fudge, Hildy. It’s how God helps us cope.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “If Warren Buffet made chocolate, I’ll bet it’d be really rich. And corrupt.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Chocolate is a perfect food, as wholesome as it is delicious, a beneficent restorer of exhausted power it is the best friend of those engaged in literary pursuits.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “You are trying to lure us into revealing information you’re not entitled to? With chocolate and wine? Are you amateurs?” Happy Chocolate Day!
Source: pinterest.com - “A little chocolate a day keeps the doctor at bay.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Nobody knows the truffles I’ve seen.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “When I have bad days, I just eat lots of chocolate ice cream and dance to the ‘Lion King’ soundtrack. It’s really odd, but it’s true.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Venice is like eating an entire box of chocolate liqueurs in one go.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “Anything is good if it’s made of chocolate.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “You know an odd feeling? Sitting on the toilet eating a chocolate candy bar.” Happy Chocolate Day!
- “When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.” Happy Chocolate Day!
Chocolate Day Shayari
- May this Chocolate Day give you a lot of love and happiness. Happy Chocolate Day.
- Love is like chewing gum, it tastes only in the beginning! But friendship is like chocolate, it tastes till it ends!’ Happy Chocolate Day to my sweetheart.

- I am wishing you a very happy chocolate day my sweetheart, as chocolates are necessary for a healthy body, and true and devoted love is necessary of a happy life. Happy Chocolate Day!
- “There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.” – Linda Grayson
- “Without pain, how could we know joy?’ This is an old argument in the field of thinking about suffering and its stupidity and lack of sophistication could be plumbed for centuries but suffice it to say that the existence of broccoli does not, in any way, affect the taste of chocolate.” – John Green
- “Will looked horrified. “What kind of monster could possibly hate chocolate?” – Cassandra Clare
- “Happiness. Simple as a glass of chocolate or tortuous as the heart. Bitter. Sweet. Alive.” – Joanne Harris
- “Chocolate says “I’m sorry” so much better than words.” – Rachel Vincent
- “Your hand and your mouth agreed many years ago that, as far as chocolate is concerned, there is no need to involve your brain.” – Dave Barry
- “Anything is good if it’s made of chocolate.” – Jo Brand
- “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” – Charles M. Schulz
- There is no “we” in chocolate.
Chocolate DayDate
9th Feb 2019.
Chocolate day kab aata hai?
chocolate day 9th feb 2019 ko aata hai.
If you want to express your love to your lover, you can also check the love captions for Instagram, love status for WhatsApp and love status in Hindi.