Regardless of the field of business, you’re into, you certainly have at least one magic tool that makes you better than the competitors and you keep it to yourself. There were times when people didn’t pay much attention to their online presence as they believed that what they do in the real world is more significant. Some entrepreneurs still use this digital presence as one of the sideway methods that might bring them more profit but are still too skeptical to allow themselves to realize the true importance of it.
The year 2024 is almost there, and the digital world is changing rapidly – the exponential growth of its impact on everyone’s lives is getting bigger and more aggressive. If you wish to grab that shiny little thing, it’s good to know some little secrets of big masters to make your marketing funds flow in the right direction.
Glamorous website – yes or no?

Taste is not to be discussed. Or is it? When you look around you might constantly have an idea that your business needs to be more modern, more up-to-date, to show the world around you that you develop along with current business changes. When you’re doubting whether there’s a need to have a modern and flashy website with many elements that are going to wow the visitors, stop for a moment and think about what’s the main use of it.
Put yourself in your visitors’ shoes and see whether your site offers easy navigation, a clean and user-friendly interface, and communicates the most significant things about your business to the users. If this isn’t the case, and you think it needs to be redesigned, go for it and always keep in mind the reason why you’re doing so. How can the design change in line with the main purpose of your business? If the design is fully top-notch, make the decision not to listen to the agency and spend time and money where the need is bigger.
Expenses vs. influence

Do you believe that more money guarantees better results? We all know how the budget is always limited, whatever you do – and how you spend it determines the effectiveness. If you base the decisions about how to use the digital marketing tools on the influence each action will have, you’ll make sure not even a cent is wasted.
Social media and search engine optimization (SEO) have grown from being frenemies in the past to being hand-in-hand today. It’s crucial to align the size of your business with the results that can be driven from each one of the most influential platforms to boost your SEO performance at the moment – Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook.
When you aren’t sure whether you can do it alone, it’s absolutely okay to use some precious help by hiring a specialized company that’ll turn the content into one of the first Google page results, such as SEO Shark. The perfect strategy and campaign tools developed by their digital experts allow you to direct the efforts to the exact platform from which the most effective results will come along with the optimal costs. You don’t need to spend unlimited amounts of money – you just need to make the most of it.
Audience-oriented content

You, as a customer for countless brands around the globe, understand how tiring getting constantly exposed to the millions of (at times aggressive) brand advertisements may be. Naturally, you drive nearby the local billboard offering irrelevant content to you, yet if it’s not for you, you can be sure it wasn’t aimed at you.
With digital marketing, you can explore the world of creative content that’ll only focus on the audience you already have and the one you want to attract. For example – if you identify the most influential web users and target them, they’ll most likely pass on this idea and concept to their followers. That’ll give you the entrance to the unknown – the whole world of potential users/customers you may have neglected until now.
Word-of-mouth recommendation still strikes

If there is a new coffee brand freshly-arrived at the nearby store, your neighbor might have more marketing tools in their hands to make you go and buy it than the most expensive TV commercials. The reason behind this is the trust that we rely on in day-to-day relationships we build with people. This way, we believe what they’re recommending to us is trustworthy and we’ll go ahead and try it.
In the digital world, we call those people ‘brand influencers’ who have thousands of followers on the most important platforms. Let’s say you sell makeup products. There must be a person – an influencer – who looks astonishing when they put their makeup on. The overall idea would be: people who follow them will like what they see, consider their recommendation, and try on the product they present.
The good news is – it can be your product! You can hire them and allow them to pass on the digital word-of-mouth to countless people they are followed by. What’s important here is to find the influencers who are representing the ideas you want to nurture as the purpose of your business existence. Also, those who believe in what you do because it aligns with their set of values will be the right choice even when some other ones might have a current bigger influence.
Consistency is the master

Inconsistent information can have an unwanted effect on all your digital marketing efforts, along with SEO with it. Everything you do in your business should be the representation of the things you believe in and should be genuine throughout the way.
Starting from your name and contact information, to the people who love your brand and those who talk nicely/badly about it – everything should be in line with what you want to achieve and build the strength upon. What your users expect is consistent, straightforward, and true content that shows them you’re interested in giving them the same values through your products and services that your advertisements show.
If your main purpose is to be the company that nurtures the value of uniqueness and targets the small niche of artists, the cold, official approach in communication can push them away. Whatever step you take, always make it true to who you are as a company both online and offline – and do everything from the bottom of your heart
What are the biggest challenges in knowing you’re doing the right thing in your digital marketing efforts? The best you can do is – hire experts who can truly understand the core of what you do and why you do it, find the way to make the most out of the budget you spend on it, and measure results throughout all the way. When you know who your customers are, what they do, and what tickles their fancy, you can understand how to target them and offer them the most they can get from your brand – the purpose. This will make your business worth it and bring you profits as a result in the most effective way.