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Nina Smith

Nina Smith
Germany is known for many things and a few of those are bread, beer consumption, autobahn and cars. Believe it or not, Germans love their bread so much that they have 300 different kinds of it. They even have a museum dedicated to, you guessed it, BREAD! They also...
The popularity of herbal medicine has become bigger than ever before. People are commonly more willing to try treating their health condition with plants and herbs than with pharmacist drugs. Interestingly, according to the World Health Organization, more than 80% of the world's population is currently using herbal medicine...
Although many automakers have dabbled with the technology, hybrid Toyota cars like these, most notably the Prius, are credited with popularizing hybrid technology and bringing it to the mainstream. It is also the world’s top-selling hybrid car. Considering that the motorcar has been around in some shape or form...
Without a doubt, a child’s curiosity is something that every great inventor has. Just do research and you will see that this is a fact. It can be seen in the examples of Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Isaac Newton, etc. Sure, the thing that starts it all is a...
We can't blame anyone that CBD products are surrounded by a lot of myths. It wasn't long ago when it was considered as a drug in the whole world, and we were taught to avoid it, taking in mind only the psychotropic effects and potential risks of using it....
As we all prepare for the summer, we all want to know how to plan our next summer vacation. What activities you will do, what city or country you will go to, etc. In other words, we all want to know how to plan our next summer vacation. This...
A home should emit warmth and comfort in which you're encouraged to relax, but sometimes, painting your house with the colors of nature isn't enough. A fireplace like from Soothing Company is a great idea for enhancing your home's features, but the trick is placing it on the best spots...
Home is where we feel safe and loved. It is a warm place during the coldest nights and a bright light at the end of a very long day, but even so, there are some things about home that many people want to avoid. Yes, we are talking about...
The condition of enlarged breasts or man boobs is called gynecomastia that affects two-thirds of the male population. For most men, the psychological impact of gynecomastia is substantial. Till now, most researches are focused on the effectiveness of the surgery in terms of cosmetic appearance. However, the psychological impact of...
It is almost a tradition that when moving into a new living space, something has to be given to people who have moved. That something is most often a detail for a new home that we want to contribute to that new beginning. You are preparing to visit relatives...