How to Get the Most Out of Your ITIL 4 Foundation Certification


Earning your ITIL 4 Foundation certification is an efficient way to show employers that you have the skills and knowledge needed to comprehend and deliver quality IT services. That’s why obtaining this certification is an absolute must for practically all fields in the IT industry.

Naturally, passing this exam is not as easy as it may seem at first. You will need to invest a large amount of work and time. We all know that time is the biggest resource out there these days. Arm yourself with patience and up your focus to the highest possible level.

To make all the elements go in your favor, prepare yourself for the exam thoroughly. The best possible way you can do that is to know what awaits you. Click here for more information about ITIL 4 foundation training. Here are ten tips on how to do just that.

1. Get familiar with the concepts covered in the syllabus


The ITIL 4 foundation training syllabus covers a wide range of topics, invest enough time to understand what is expected of you on the exam and get familiarized with it. To do that properly, you need to know exactly what field you want to specialize in. Those who haven’t concluded on this should do some hard thinking before they can make this decision worthwhile.

2. Get plenty of practice questions

Practice makes perfect, and there is no better way to prepare for an exam than by practicing with questions that resemble those asked on the test. Thankfully, you can come across numerous, let’s say, demo tests that resemble the real ones. Doing as many of these as possible would surely result in you having a better idea of what’s about to come when you start working on a real one. The more practice you have, the chances of passing this one will raise significantly. There’s no reason for you not to take advantage of it.

3. Take care of yourself mentally and physically

It’s vital to get enough sleep and eat well before taking an important exam like the ITIL 4 Foundation certification test. Without having a good night’s sleep, you cannot expect to be on top of your game. Having your focus on the highest possible level is an absolute must. Without it, making reckless and rushed mistakes becomes a possibility you don’t need.

4. Stay calm and focused on test day


It can be easy to get overwhelmed or stressed out when taking an exam, but remember that preparation is key! When you invest your best efforts to prepare beforehand, then there is no reason to worry – just stay calm and focus on answering the questions to the best of your capability. Some people have a strategy to have a good rest a day before the test. That way, they let all the information they have obtained sink in. You can get through the most important points just to remind yourself about them once again.

5. Don’t overthink the questions

Overthinking can lead to second-guessing yourself, and this can be disastrous on an exam. Just go with your first instinct and trust that you understand the material well enough to provide an accurate answer. Even though it may sound strange, the first answer that comes to mind is the correct one in more than 60% of cases. By overthinking, you can easily get confused with all the options. Relax and start thinking about how to deliver the best possible answers.

6. Don’t Make Rushed Decisions

Sure, the applicants have a limited amount of time to complete the ITIL 4 Foundation exam, but there is no need to rush through all of them without paying enough attention. Read each question carefully and take your time formulating your answer before selecting the best option from those given. As we’ve already mentioned, making rushed decisions is never a good idea. It can be misleading, and you don’t want this to happen. That’s why we believe you should take your time.

7. Double-check your work


This one is important! Be positive about your responses before moving on to the next question – going back after the exam is finished is not something you can do. Double-checking is an absolute must. Some of the demands can easily have more than just one meaning. By double-checking, you can make sure that you haven’t made any mistakes of this sort.

8. Skip the questions you are unsure about

If you come across a question that you are unsure of, it is a proper decision to skip it and come back to it later than waste a couple of minutes trying to guess the answer. Guessing is not the same as knowing, don’t you agree? You can always come back and check your work after you have responded to all the other needs. Remembering the correct answer is not going to be as easy as we may believe. Instead of making these mistakes, you can return to them later when there’s absolutely no doubt that you got it right.

9. Don’t forget to budget your time

It can be easy to get trapped in coming up with a response to a particular question and lose track of time, but remember that there are other questions on the exam that need to be answered as well. Make sure that you budget your time smartly so that you can respond to all the demands within the limited time frame. Since time is a crucial resource these days, nobody should be surprised why implementing this approach should be done in this sort of work as well.

10. Relax and have fun!


This may sound counterintuitive, but it’s vital to remember that the ITIL 4 Foundation exam is not the decision when your future career is definitely decided upon, and it is simply one step on the path to success. Stay positive and perceive this test as a challenge instead of a burden. We don’t have any doubt this is the best possible approach you can undertake. So relax, take a deep breath, and enjoy the ride!

In Conclusion

Passing this exam and receiving certification is a significant stepping stone for your future career. In this article of ours, we’ve provided our readers with the most significant tips on how to complete it efficiently. You will certainly find it useful.