The integration of modern technologies is very important for small businesses because they offer a wide range of possibilities and a chance to become more productive, which leads to greater revenue. If you own a small business, it can be crucial to follow all of the most recent trends related to online platforms and new methods that can increase the popularity of your brand, provide you with new solutions for marketing, and more. One of the best ways to use online tools in your advance is to implement marketing automation tools and use many benefits from them.
This software can help you to develop your marketing strategy, improve sales, attract more customers, and easily find which group of people to target. You can check EngageBay to read more about the abilities your company can get from using marketing automation tools. In this article, we are going to introduce you to all the important features that your company can have by using marketing automation software.
Improve Your Lead-Scoring Abilities
One of the most important benefits that a small business can get from using marketing automation is the ability to acquire easier lead-scoring. Many companies are using email marketing or various files that potential clients could download, and that method is great for bringing more loyal customers. On the other side, there are some more advanced methods where you can gather information from visitors by implementing short questionnaires. That way, you can collect important data related to customer needs. The main point is that you can use the results to create a more efficient marketing strategy.
Bringing Back Customers

While it is important to attract new clients, you must also find an effective way to keep them loyal to your brand. With the high competition that we have today in various industries, it is very hard to keep loyal customers because a lot of people are interested in checking various sources and trying to buy goods from different online stores. The way how a marketing automation tool can help you with targeting customers who already bought some of your products is to set an automation system where they will get an email with various promotions or discounts. The best way is to send such a mail a few months after they bought their last product.
Better Communication

A proper connection and communication with clients are essential for building a well-known brand. Every company must have proper customer support, but being able to answer a great number of people in a short time requires a lot of resources and people. Therefore, automation software is a great solution because you can implement chatbots and many other features that can provide people with generated answers to most common questions. On the other hand, you can create a data analysis with this software, which can share surveys and sort the data according to their relevance, targeted group, age, and more.
You Can Perform Slip-Testing

The most efficient way to find which product to sell and which group of people to target is to create a detailed analysis of the market. The marketing automation tool is excellent for performing tests related to marketing, resources, and more. Also, split-testing can be especially beneficial for determining the right marketing strategy. This test involves several surveys with different questions. The point of these surveys is to analyze how much time it needs for subscribers to read, fulfill, and send the answers.
Divide Clients into Categories

Learning about the needs of your customers is essential for the productivity of your business. On the other hand, additional data are also very useful in terms of determining what types of deals and promotions to include. With automation software, you will be able to gather detailed information about important features related to clients and separate them to attract them with different types of promotions. For example, if you choose to use email marketing to sell toys, your email should be full of animations, colors, and more, while an email used for advertisement of law office should be basic without too many details.
Tracking and Reporting

Collecting data about the market and customers represents the most important data every small business needs. In that matter, you can set your marketing automation software to collect relevant data about current trends, basic data about potential clients, stats about the market share of similar products in the same industry, and much more. By using all sorts of metrics and charts, you can save a lot of time and get the ability to quickly make some decisions related to further moves of your business. Moreover, you can use various statistics provided by this tool to predict the potential trends shortly, which can be very effective in terms of creating an advanced business plan.
Main Features

First of all, it is crucial to come up with a proper strategy and include an automation tool into it. You will have to determine which parts of your business should be affected by automation. The main benefits are that you can create detailed lists of people who are potentially interested in becoming loyal customers. The easiest way to gather contacts is to include a newsletter chart in your website. Also, you can connect social media accounts with your online store, which can bring even more visitors. The automation is especially effective for promotions because you can set intervals for sending advertising materials.
Last Words
You should be aware that there is great competition in the market, especially for small businesses. There is a small chance that you will be able to offer something unique. Therefore, using all of these methods to increase the popularity of your brand is crucial for a successful business. When it comes to gathering data, proper communication, and improved promotions, marketing automation tools should be your first choice. There are many types of these tools available on the market today. If you choose to Engage Bay and similar software, you will get improved lead management, improved and measurable results, more accurate targeting, increased productivity, and much more.