Schools of Management ─ On Which Criteria Should You Choose A Program?


Management courses offer students the education and tools to take on various roles in their careers. Management schools also equip future professionals with the skills required for effective administration, teamwork, and solving some of the most pressing business problems today.

With so many management courses offered by different institutions, students must identify the best program for their careers.

What Are Your Goals?

The best way to identify the right management program is to do a self-assessment of what you would like to achieve. Management programs usually concentrate on some key areas, including:

  1. Developing people management skills
  2. Improving communication skills
  3. Conflict resolution
  4. Team building and management

You can identify which areas you feel you’re lacking in or those that might be important for you to transition into a bigger role within your company. Knowing your goals and prioritizing them helps you to narrow your search and find the best fit for your professional needs.

Contrast and Compare


After establishing your primary personal and career goals, you should dive deep into potential programs. How do they use your natural abilities and passions and how do you intend to use the skills you will acquire?

Examine online databases, school websites, press releases, and other resources to understand the program fully. Evaluate your expectations and use your program as the first step in a long-term career plan.

School Accreditation

The best companies typically hire only from the best-rated institutions. Schools with international recognition, including Wharton, MIT, and International Essca, are accredited by the AMBA, EQUIS, and AACSB for quality and competence.

Getting your management education from an accredited institution is one of the most important factors in advancing your career.

Investing in the Future

It’s important to consider how your skills will be relevant years from now. Many programs have become obsolete due to advances leading to redundancy and unclear role descriptions. Your time and money are your most valuable assets, and you should invest them in a program that generates a good return.

Take time to study trends in your preferred field and the in-demand skills of today and tomorrow. Ensure you have a roadmap for the future by determining how your program contributes to your employability years after you graduate.

Financial Aid Options


Pursuing a management course is often costly, but you can access various financial aid facilities to reduce the financial burden. Most institutions offer graduate assistant jobs on campus that can contribute considerably to the overall cost. Additionally, you can agree with your employer to offset a part of the tuition fees.

Other associated costs of a management program include relocation, living and miscellaneous costs. Before enrolling, consider all funding options to avoid falling into long-term student debt after graduating.

On-campus Facilities

Holistic learning goes beyond the classroom. The most successful management graduates come from schools with a cultural heritage that supplements direct learning.

Look for programs that offer student facilities that encourage collaboration, leisure, and unique opportunities for students to learn soft skills. These include leadership, adaptability, critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving.

Program-Lifestyle Fit

As you choose a management program, ensure that it fits realistically within your lifestyle. Many working professionals fail to complete their chosen program as other activities put pressure on time and resources.

Do a comprehensive lifestyle audit to determine what you want to accomplish from the management program and how you plan to attend classes and allocate time for projects. Consider your current commitments and evaluate if part-time studies might be a better option.

Some programs can be completed in 12 months, while others may extend beyond two years. Choose a program that goes hand in hand with your lifestyle without causing mental or financial strain.

Alumni and Placement


Alumni associations can be an important factor in job placement. The best management schools have active alumni associations which focus on transitioning students to the job market.

Although there are many students taking management courses, not all of them get managerial positions. Alums are the face of the school and are often the basis on which employers perceive an institution.

Alumni support is critical in mentoring students and offering and facilitating student placement, so students should identify schools with active alum support.

Industrial Exposure

The best management schools offer direct industry exposure to their students. The managerial course should lead to real-world management careers, and students should gain exposure to marketplace conditions during their studies.

Top management institutions offer industrial training through internships and regular workshops aiming to build relationships with potential employers.


A good curriculum is responsive and flexible to changing workplace conditions. It reflects the culture and identity of the school and is usually the base factor that differentiates two management programs offered by different institutions.

When choosing a management program, it is crucial to study the curriculum to identify core subjects, electives and the required coursework. Various management programs bear similar names, although their curriculum can differ extensively.

Avoid falling into the trap of what’s popular and instead focus on a curriculum that utilises your core strengths and offers practical skills for the job market.

Learning Methods


In today’s world, most students juggle classes, work and other activities to develop themselves. Flexible management courses allow for different learning methods with the help of technology to support distance learning and collaboration between students.

Effective learning also incorporates hybrid models that give students work-ready skills through hands-on experience and continuous learning.

Program Cost

Ultimately, choosing a management program is influenced by the cost. Students pursuing postgraduate management courses usually have to forego earnings during the period or raise funds.

Time is also a considerable cost since the student must prioritise studying over other activities. Some management programs allow hybrid learning, letting students curate their study schedules to pursue other ventures while they study.

Choosing the Best Management Program

Management courses have grown immensely popular in the last decades, and more employers are interested in students with managerial skills instead of traditional internal staff transitioning. The options are endless, and students must take time to find programs that align with their personal goals and long-term objectives.