3 Items to Show Your Laptop Some Love ─ 2024 Buying Guide

Source: wired.com

One of the many impacts brought on by the pandemic is the introduction of the work from home setup, and it looks like it’s here to stay. The work from home setup understandably grew in popularity during the pandemic as it allowed companies to continue their operations despite the lockdown restrictions that prevented employees from going to their place of work.

And even when everything is transitioning into a new kind of normal, the work from home setup still has some benefits and advantages that a lot of companies are choosing to hold onto. The main appeal of the work from home setup is that it allows employees to continue with their productivity, while also mitigating the spread of the virus within the company. It also allows employees to have more flexibility and control over their time, resulting in a more sustainable work-life balance.

And for companies and employers, the work from home setup allows them to expand their hiring efforts into areas they may have never ventured into. The opportunity of working from home allows employers to tap into different demographics of talent that they may have never been exposed to before, and it also widens the possibilities for job seekers and applicants to apply for companies regardless of geographic location.

Source: freepik.com

Overall, the work from home setup has allowed both companies and employees more flexibility that they are choosing to take advantage of. The work from home setup expands the workplace beyond the conventional sense and proves that anyone can be productive anywhere—even in their own homes. Because of this, everyone is now more able to spend their time more mindfully on the things and activities that they actually care about.

However, one condition of the work from home setup is that employees need to have the necessary equipment available at home to continue their work. This means that the employee’s personal gadgets—mainly their computers and laptops—are taking the brunt of the daily workload. And while there are some companies that actually provide this equipment for their employees, these gadgets tend to be slightly outdated and possibly worn from prolonged use.

Regardless of whether you’re using your own laptop or a laptop issued to you by your company, you’re both in it for the long run. It’s you and your laptop against the world, so why not take the extra step and show your laptop some extra love for all that it allows you to do?

Here are 3 items that you can buy to help take care of your laptop!

1. Keyboard Cover

Source: protectcovers.com

The moment your work day starts, you’re expected to constantly be on the go—whether physically at your company or virtually in the comfort of your own home. There are drafts to be made, emails to be sent, messages to be replied to and so many other things that need your immediate attention, all of which you’re able to do because of your laptop.

However, when life is a constant rush of deadlines and requirements, chances are that you aren’t really taking the time to clean your laptop the way it needs to be properly. Not to mention the wear and tear that your keyboard probably goes through with all the typing that you have to do on it. This could lead to so many issues from dirt and dust accumulation, the fading of the letter symbols on some keys, and liquid spills and accidents—all of which can lead to a malfunctioning keyboard.

When you’re using your laptop for something as important as dirt, you know that you can’t afford to have a keyboard that doesn’t work. That’s exactly why it’s a great idea to go out and buy yourself a keyboard cover or protector. For a relatively cheap price, you can get a keyboard cover that will protect your keyboard from all of these things so that your laptop stays right with you when you need it the most.

2. Charger Cable Protector

Source: shopee.com.my

You don’t realize it, but the constant wrapping and unwrapping of your charger cable can actually be taking you one step closer to being left with a broken charger. When you realize that your battery life is about to drain completely, the last thing you want to do is uncoil your charger and plug it into a power outlet only to realize that the wires inside had completely snapped. No one wants to be left with nothing but a drained laptop, but this is especially dangerous when you’re working for a company and have a mountain of tasks to do.

A great way to avoid this possibility completely is by buying yourself a charger cable protector. It might seem small, but it can actually help you keep your charger cable in the best condition by stopping the important parts of the cable from getting bent into any compromising positions that could lead to a worn-out wire.

And if you constantly find yourself having to be somewhere, a charger cable protector allows you to quickly roll up your charger and toss it into your bag without having to worry about any breakage.

3. Microfiber Cleaning Cloths

Source: microfiberwholesale.com

Picture this! You’re in the middle of a very important Zoom meeting when you realize that your laptop screen is absolutely riddled with spots of dust and dirt. You try to refocus your attention on what the person on your screen is saying, but you just can’t stop staring at how filthy your screen is. Then, you remember all those times when you’ve accidentally misread something because some dirt accidentally distorted a few letters.

When you’re using your laptop for work, it’s of utmost importance that you make sure it’s clean all around. Not only could it distract you from your tasks and responsibilities, but it’s actually pretty disgusting when you realize how often you touch and interact with your laptop. The dirt on the screen is the only ones you can see, but what about the rest of the filth all over your laptop?

Not to worry because you can easily clean your laptop with a few things. The specks littering your laptop screen can easily be removed and buffed away with a microfiber cleaning cloth that will actually get every dust particle off, and the rest of your laptop can be wiped clean with a moist microfiber cloth from the grease stains on your keyboard keys to the unseen dirt on the rest of your laptop.

With the mainstreaming of the work from home setup as another viable work method, it’s important to make sure that you’re taking care of your equipment to the best of your abilities. If you’re looking for other ways to keep your laptop clean and fresh, then visit Temu!

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