9 Ways to Avoid Common Remote Work Drawbacks

Source: clicktime.com

Telecommuting and remote work are growing more popular. Today, many professions demand knowledge work that does not require someone to be in a given area, giving employees in those roles additional geographical freedom. Similarly, employees want more work-life balance and inclusiveness. Thus many teams and workplaces are becoming more receptive to remote work.

1. Miscommunications

Source: flexjobs.com

Without face-to-face encounters and body language clues, messages easily get misconstrued. Because there aren’t many communication options, it’s easy to overlook anything unless you’re continuously checking several channels. Furthermore, persons new to remote work may feel they are annoying others by sending too many messages.

Working remotely, on the other hand, necessitates an abundance of communication. It is important to note that your staff takes some time to adjust. Access to communication standards can help to streamline the process. Discuss how you intend to use various communication channels for numerous sorts of communication.

2. Don’t play, only work

On the other hand, working from home does not imply that you must solely work from home. Many new workers who work from home are concerned that if they are not continuously online and responding to every email, text, and chat, everyone would believe they are not working.

Even if you work from home from www.remotehub.com, you may take breaks, check social media, and eat a complete lunch at your desk, just as you would in the office. Taking breaks will help you be more productive and avoid burnout. Make time to get away from the computer and take meaningful breaks from work. You can also establish a timetable with your manager as you don’t feel obligated to be at work.

3. Keeping the Same Routine

You shouldn’t keep the same daily routine if you’re shifting from office work to a remote job. To maintain and create solid ties with your coworkers, you’ll likely need to schedule purposeful networking because you won’t meet them in the hallway or elevator.

You may also need to meet with your manager more frequently to ensure they understand your goals, give informal feedback and keep you up to date on office developments pertinent to your work. Connect with successful remote employees in your firm to understand how they’ve altered their schedules to reflect their remote status to help you establish your remote habit.

4. Lack of Appropriate Tools

Source: flexjobs.com

To be productive, you must ensure that you have the proper tools for the work. For example, while you could send papers and files via Gmail, it is quicker to upload them to Google Drive and share the URL. There are many different tools and programs available for remote collaboration.

Sites like “Remote Tools” provide over 2000 goods to assist you with the right apps for your requirements. Your organization may also collaborate with other businesses to verify that your staff utilizes collaboration technologies that are effective for your team. It is critical that your team agrees on and adheres to the platforms to employ.

5. Failure to establish clear daily/weekly goals and priorities

Another typical error is failing to establish clear daily or weekly goals for remote workers. If this is the case, one of two things may be happening: either your staff is too casual and informal about their jobs, or critical work is being left undone.

Or there is a lot of strain and tension for nothing, and unneeded overtime accumulates for insignificant jobs. In either case, a lack of clarity on deadlines and objectives causes stress and issues. When your staff operates in the dark without knowing their purpose, they cannot be productive and rapidly get irritated.

6. Use your sofa or bed as a workstation instead

Having a designated location for your home office keeps your resources close at hand while also ensuring that your bed stays a place to sleep, not work. Creating a distinct will help you set boundaries between your home workstation and your home environment unless your doctor prescribes bed rest or mobility limitations compel you to be bedridden or on the sofa.

7. Work without interruptions

Source: kametani-awazu.com

When you’re remote, days might pass: your coworkers can’t just drop by your desk and persuade you out for lunch. Make time in the daytime to stretch, move, drink, and eat. It may appear straightforward, yet individuals in various work situations might battle to stay sane and mobile in our PC work environments.

Similarly, digital eyestrain can occur due to time gazing at digital gadgets such as computer displays, cell phones, and tablets. Experts offer numerous strategies for reducing eyestrain, including adhering to the 202020 rule: Take a 20-second break from screens every 20 minutes and stare at something 20 feet away.

8. Task Management and Productivity

Now we get into some of the more complicated aspects of managing remote teams. To reach huge goals, you must ensure that all minor chores are on-time completion. It might be crucial to follow the development of several remote workers daily. How do you monitor the development of specific tasks while keeping an eye on the overall project?

The project management tools we discussed before will let you reactively achieve this. In other words, they show you when team members started and finished tasks, but you only obtain that information after those interactions. They don’t provide you with real-time feedback or inform you how effective team members are on projects.

9. Keeping Motivated

It is another typical issue that staying motivated as teleworkers describe, and due to unsupervised. There is less pressure to finish duties when supervisors and team members are absent, and group satisfaction in completing goals as a team might get lost. We can see how this may contribute to a lack of drive, the one concern mentioned in the Buffer study is that we don’t feel as if remote workers are lonely.

Source: webex.com


Remote work provides tremendous freedom for your staff, but it also creates many potentials for mistakes and leadership gaps in your organization. All errors have one thing in common: while they may not seem like an enormous concern, they can harm the employer-employee connection. You now understand the most typical errors in this context and how to avoid them. We wish you well and hope your essay has helped you maximize your remote concept. See our post on assisting workers who work from home for more information on how to adjust your organization to remote work.