As more and more businesses are emerging in every business niche, it’s becoming more difficult with each passing day for businesses to establish themselves as brands. That is why it has become more important than ever before for businesses to invest in brand identity design services.
If you happen to be a business owner, then you, too, need to spare some thought regarding the brand that you want your business to be. Here are some of the critical elements that are part and parcel of any brand identity design process.
The Brand Name

No matter how well you serve your customers, if the name of your business is boring, then you would face a really tough time in establishing a brand identity. When you hire brand identity design services, talk to them first about the name of your business. Is it good enough to transform your business into a brand? Or is it typical and generic that will get lost in the crowd of hundreds of competitors?
Brand identity design professionals can use their creativity to come up with a name that compliments your business, one that is both catchy and memorable. A brand that you should derive inspiration from is Coca-Cola. Everyone around the world knows what Coca-Cola is and millions love it. The reason is quite simple; it’s something catchy and, most importantly, fun, an element that you can relate to any day with a soft drink.
The Brand Personality
The best way to tackle the problems involved in creating a brand identity is to think of your business as a real human. Now, if your business was indeed a human being, what are the qualities that you would want to have? And what are the weaknesses that you would want to improve on?
Once you think along these lines, it’s not hard to figure out what you need to do for your brand to have the right personality.
Keeping the Brand Personality Consistent

Establishing a brand personality is one thing, but sticking to it is another. If your business is new, then it could take some time for your brand personality to affect existing and prospective customers. In such a scenario, you, as the business owner, need to stay calm and be patient.
Just because you think your brand personality isn’t working doesn’t mean that you will keep chopping and changing it. Having a consistent brand personality allows both your existing and prospective customers to connect with your business on a much deeper level.
The Logo
As the logo of your business is the aspect of the brand that people would be most exposed to, you need to keep it simple while still reflecting the character and identity of your business. The font you choose can go a long way in establishing your brand identity. For example, if your business offers products and services for kids, then you could choose a playful font and bright colors.
A simple logo is also easier to scale across different mediums such as traditional print advertising methods like brochures and flyers and modern-day digital advertising mediums.
Graphics to Support the Logo

If your business is already a well-established brand and doesn’t have any graphics to go with the logo, then you probably don’t need to make the extra effort to come up with something new. However, for new businesses that are just making headways in their respective niches, logos simply aren’t enough. The logos need complementing graphics to support them.
Just like the logo, the graphics don’t have to be complex. You have to mix and match various visual ideas with your logo to see what works. Also, scalability is an issue to consider, just like you have to for your business logo.
The Use of Color
Do you use a single color, or do you use a variety of multiple colors? This is a question that creates a lot of confusion for businesses, but this is a question that needs to be answered. Colors are key visual elements associated with any brand, and you must pick one, not just for your logo, but for creating themes around which your advertisements would be created.
Different colors have different impacts on the senses. For example, purple is a color that is considered to be royal and elegant, which is why it is used a lot by brands that manufacture high-end luxury products. If you want to inspire trust and royalty, then blue is the color to choose. If your business has something to do with health, then you should go with green. If you want your brand to capture the attention of your target audience quickly, then red would be perfect.
A Catchy Jingle

Sound and music have been used by numerous businesses to great effect. If you look at some of the world’s most famous brands such as McDonald’s and Intel, then you would note that they all have a trademark sound or music or jingle that you can immediately recognize them by. The trick to doing this is to create a sound that matches your brand’s personality. You don’t need the most complex piece of music to stand out, and you need something catchy.
The best way to create a catchy and memorable piece of music for your business is to get in touch with an experienced musician who has created jingles for other businesses in the past. Professional musicians are creative, and once you give them a basic idea of what your business is all about, they can create exactly the piece of music that your business needs.
Also, hire a media agency like www.eventige.com to effectively incorporate that piece of music in all your video and audio ads that would be aired across the internet, the television, and the radio.
So, these are the seven most critical elements of the brand identity design process. While there are several other elements that brand identity building can be done without, you simply can’t ignore the aforementioned ones.