Medieval times are some of the most turbulent and fascinating in the history of the world. All the explorations and wars between different regions of the world deserve to be documented in every shape and form, ranging from movies, TV shows, books, and of course, video games. Over the...
Practice makes a master. This is a phrase that any expert in their field will be able to tell you, few are the people who reach a maximum level in any discipline without having practiced a considerable amount of time. The difference with video games and the competitive level is...
The top gaming phones can compete with tablets and possibly even portable consoles like the Nintendo Switch when it comes to performance. Having one of these phones on hand is a good idea if you're a gamer who loves first-person shooters on Stream or perhaps jackpot slots at an...
In the digital skies of the internet, where pixels morph into grand tales and zeroes and ones spin legends, there exists a realm where ambition soars with wings outstretched. It's not just about gaming; it's a dance in the clouds, where fortunes can rise on the thermals or get...
Counter Strike is practically impossible to find among first-person shooter (FPS) players who haven’t heard of it. The game can be regarded as the forerunner to all other first-person shooter games. While the gameplay of the two-decade-old game has remained essentially unchanged, CS:GO has made several additions to keep...
In recent years, there have been several modifications to online gambling. Earlier, there was only physical gambling, but with the advancement of technology, we have seen changes in the gambling industry as online gambling was introduced, and now it has evolved into a metaverse. Today's gamblers have more alternatives...
Video games are one of the biggest passions that many all around the world hold, with much of the world’s population dedicating hours each and every day, or at the very least, each and every week. There are thousands of games to be released every year across multiple different platforms,...
Short breaks during your workday can be invaluable, helping improve productivity, creativity, and stress reduction. One effective way to maximize these breaks is engaging in brain-boosting games which can strengthen cognitive abilities while giving you much-needed mental respite from work tasks. We will explore six stimulating games you can play during...
Reviving something like the legendary Modern Warfare is no easy task. Expectations were high, and just one wrong step could mean an absolute disaster. Fortunately, the team at Infinity Ward did not make a mistake. Over 12 years ago, a life-changing game was launched. Sounds ridiculous, but Call of Duty...
Every FPS player knows that gaming setup can have a huge impact on their overall gameplay. No matter which FPS game you play, the setup does matter. The biggest impact, of course, has a controlling device, also known as a mouse. The main objective of every FPS is to have...