Blackjack is one of the best casino games out there. Hardly any other can parry it. Yes, it is all a matter of taste, but if you ask us this is the one. You can play it on your own, with friends, and even with enemies. Blackjack really provided plenty of options to players. This is what makes it so popular. It is quite a simple game but one that still captivates players’ minds. Are you one of those people who love it? Considering you are reading this article you probably are.
So, what’s so special about this game? First of all the fact that it is one of the most straightforward games there are. All you need to do is to reach 21 before the dealer. Or at least to finish the hand closer to 21 than him or any other player at the table. So, it’s a highly competitive game and anyone can play it. The rules are not complicated at all. Also, it is a math-based game, and you probably heard about the possibility to count cards while playing blackjack. We do not suggest this, but you can mathematically bring yourself closer to a win.
So, what’s more, is there something to tell? Well, what we’re trying to tell you here is that if you haven’t still, try out blackjack. It is one of those games that can make you closer to your friends and even reinstate some old rivalry. The best part is that it’s available online at outlets such as betiton.com where you can start playing right now. If you’re up for it together with your close ones let us tell you what are some fun blackjack games to play with friends. Check out our list below.
Pontoon – British Blackjack

Have you heard about pontoons? It is blackjack in essence but only British. When you compare the two games they’re a lot alike. But, we wouldn’t be making a difference if the Brits didn’t spice up their version a bit. It requires more strategy, which is a fine twist to have when it comes to blackjack especially when you’re playing with friends.
What makes it easier to play is that you as a player are allowed to see one card before you start drawing the next ones. You could call this a head start as it makes betting much easier. The game starts once all players have received one card. After that, you’re required to place a bet.
Once the second card is out on the table after the bets are made the game starts resembling blackjack at its core. One major difference is the double win. You can double your bet if you have more than one dealer, but you got here by drawing five or more cards.
American Blackjack
When you have a British version of a game you can be assured that there will be an American too. But, we need to take the hat down here to Americans. Their version is what everyone would recognize as classic blackjack. In all parts of the world, this variation is what’s known simply as blackjack.
You’ll know that you’re playing this version when the dealer pulls his initial card before you make any move. This is what sets apart this one from other versions of blackjack. Talking about other versions, you know how Britain has always behaved differently in many aspects than the rest of Europe. Here, the situation is no different. You have a pontoon, and you have European blackjack.
European Blackjack

Here is where this one differs from the other two. The initial card by the dealer, the so-called hole card, is not drawn by the dealer before the player makes his first move. So, the player is the one that starts the game, making a different decision in the process, but only after a bet was placed.
Once you put on a bet, the dealer will pull a card. This makes the entire gameplay quite different when you compare European and American blackjack. In essence, people prefer the classic version due to fewer restrictions imposed on the way you’ll play the game and how you’ll position yourself against the house.
Double Exposure Blackjack
Here we have a fun one. Players love this one. Why? Well, it is one of the rare games that side with the player. It actually increases your odds of winning. This is the one that’s best played among friends. Casinos do offer it, but those establishments are rare. Of course, they are.
Casinos are money-making institutions so they’re not going to favor the player too much. But, this game still exists and we love it. You’ll love it too as soon as you try it out. What makes it so player-friendly is the fact that before you draw any of your cards the dealer needs to have both of his cards exposed. This gives you as a player a massive advantage and one that’s easy to take.
The fun fact is that in this variation the house advantage is close to zero. To make the game more interesting the house is allowed to hit on soft 17s. Also, you’re not allowed to split, surrender, or even insure. Despite all of this, the player is still the one with the upper hand.
Vegas Strip Blackjack

This is a game that comes to us directly from the streets of Las Vegas as the name suggests. This one is quite similar to the regular version but with a little bit more risk. Online casinos love to have this version in their offering, and the players love it too. Coming to us from the Mecca of gambling it’s no wonder that this one is popular all over the world. With a little bit more risks there comes more reward.
In this one, the dealer starts the game with four decks of cards and is allowed to stand on soft 17. Furthermore, there’s plenty of doubling down after splitting and you can split four hands during one game. There are plenty of other perks that differentiate it from other versions and the only way to find them all out is to sit at the table with your friends and play.