Can You Fly Internationally With A CBD Vape Pen


Air traveling rules are pretty much similar in every country regarding traveling with vape devices and vape liquids. You must follow the rules and regulations set up by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). CBD vapes pens are portable devices run on batteries or powered electrical and look somewhat like a pen.

A CBD vape pen contains vape juice/ oil that is a mixture of CBD (cannabinoid) with vegetable glycerine and propylene glycol. To carry it with you on an airplane, it must have a specific level of THC. CBD vape pens are helpful for traveling internationally for long hours and provide relief from stress and anxiety during traveling.

If you are looking for the best quality vape products, then visit here and get vape products that contain the highest quality vape oil/ juice to relax your mind and get yourself out of anxiety and stress. Get an optimal vaping experience from CBD vape products available in different flavors.

Rules to follow while flying internationally with a CBD vape pen

  • It is totally legal to carry a CBD vape pen while flying internationally if the vape oil is under the limit of 0.3% THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol).
  • You can carry a CBD vape pen with you in your carry-on bags or with you in person. But the TSA rules prohibit carrying vaping devices in checked bags. There might be chances the battery can catch fine while carrying it in checked bags which might put everything at risk. Hence you are only allowed to carry these devices in carry-on bags.
  • Confirm whether there are no additional rules by the airlines regarding carrying vaping devices or e-cigarettes.
  • You don’t have to report the authorities if you are carrying a vape pen. But if you are getting checked, then don’t try to hide anything or look suspicious.
  • While flying internationally, avoid CBD flower bud carrying with you. It is similar to weed, and the TSA authorities can easily get confused. Since there is no equipment to test, you might have to get into unwanted trouble.
  • If you are carrying a vape oil/ juice, then as per TSA rules, you are only allowed to carry 100 ml or smaller bottles, and they should fit into a 1-quart plastic bag.
  • In some European Union countries, the nicotine limit in vape oil is 20 mg/ml. Hence you can carry vape juice with higher nicotine strength when flying to these countries.

These were all the important rules regarding carrying a CBD vape pen while flying internationally. However, there might be slightly different rules in the country you are traveling to, so you should check the rules of that country before you fly.

Airlines Regulations

When it comes to flying with a vape, it’s crucial to understand the regulations set by individual airlines. Airline regulations are rules that are set by individual airlines to govern their operations and ensure the safety and comfort of their passengers.

These regulations cover various aspects of air travel, including baggage restrictions, check-in procedures, seat assignments, and onboard behavior. When it comes to traveling with vaping devices and liquids, airlines have their own policies that passengers need to adhere to.

Some airlines may prohibit the use of vaping devices on board, while others may allow them under specific conditions. Additionally, some airlines may have restrictions on the quantity of e-liquids that can be carried on board. It is important for travelers to check with their airline regarding their specific regulations on vaping devices before traveling with them.

Things to remember while flying internationally with vaping devices and vape oils

  • If you intend to carry additional batteries with you, remember to keep them in safe plastic cases to avoid any unpleasant incidents.
  • Remember to fully charge your vape pen if it’s ips. They can be carried comfortably, don’t require additional batteries or a battery charger, and you don’t have to carry vape oils separately.
  • Ensure that the vape oil carrying bottle is not an electrically powered vape pen. Also, don’t forget to bring a battery charger.
  • Disposable vaping devices are great for short travel fully filled. They can leak from cabin pressure. Fill it partially with some extra space.
  • Ensure that your vape oil bottles are packed properly. If there is a leakage or the bottle breaks, your clothes and other accessories will not be spoiled.
  • However, there is no specific limit for vape oils if you bring them in checked bags. So you can carry a couple of extra bottles in your checked bags.
  • Carrying vape oil bottles in checked bags is not a good idea because there might be chances your bag getting lost, misplaced, or getting delayed. Since it’s a small item, it’s better to carry it with you in the carry-on bags.
  • Also, TSA rules state that when you are carrying CBD vaping devices or vape oil, you don’t have to declare them individually but don’t adopt any illegal means by hiding them.

Benefits of CBD vape pen while traveling


A CBD vape pen has plenty of uses and can be effective for travelers while flying on an airplane. The CBD oil on the vape pen is effective in stimulating and relaxing the mind and body and helps you get past your tiredness, sleeplessness, anxiety, and other symptoms of jet lag, especially for long flights.

While flying internationally, there are more chances your sleeping cycle gets disrupted, and not having enough sleep can make you feel lethargic and irritated. A CBD vape pen can really calm your neurotransmitter signaling systems in your brain so you can stay active and energetic.

There are no harmful effects of vaping a CBD vape pen. The CBD vape juice just provides you with a calm and relaxing experience and makes it easier for you to fall asleep faster when you are stressed or anxious. Especially when you are flying in an airplane for a quick nap, these vaping devices work like magic.

Other benefits of CBD vape pens include, CBD vapes can cure type 2 diabetes. Also, it may provide you relief from chemotherapy side effects.

Wrapping up


Carrying CBD vape pens is completely legal. CBD is a component of marijuana, but it is totally used for medicinal purposes. The legal rules regarding CBD are still debatable, and the rules are not very clear regarding carrying CBD vaping devices while flying internationally.

The authorities don’t search for illegal drugs separately, but if you are being checked, you must disclose everything before getting into any trouble. Until the rules aren’t clear, you will be liable for carrying anything that is not explicitly illegal.

If you are following the rules, then the risk of getting into trouble is less. There is no place to test a CBD product in an airport, so you might be allowed to carry them with you, or you can spend hours and miss your flight while it is being tested.